Hi All,

I have another update on the drawing board that will fix a few problems that have come to light (like if the signaller removes a a train from an automatic signals route all the signals remain as they were when the train was still there), and I’ll also add the feature that our anonymous guest suggested (in ‘Viewpoint Control’ in the ‘Feature Requests and Suggestions’ forum) to allow use of the keyboard for scrolling as well as the on-screen buttons – he or she was right – I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself, and they even provided the source code to do it – for which my thanks.  I’ll try to get the update out in a week or two.

I’d also like to ask again for other program developers to come forward and help out with upgrading the program.  Good suggestions keep being made for useful features, but because adding, testing and debugging new features is generally very time consuming I am trying to confine my efforts in the main to correcting the faults that come to light, and hoping that others will take up further development.

Here’s the advert:

Program developers wanted, excellent job satisfaction, flexible working hours, fame and glory guaranteed, rubbish pay. 

Who could possibly resist that?

Seriously, if anyone is interested then a lot more information is provided under the ‘Source’ tab.

Best Regards


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