Cardiff Valley Lines


The South Wales area covered by this simulation incorporates mainly rural services between Cardiff and outlying areas, though some mainline services between England, Scotland and Swansea are also provided running via Newport, Cardiff and Bridgend. Merry-go-round coal services also make an appearance periodically running between the Tower Colliery at Aberdare and Aberthaw power station – both of which are now closed.

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This project was developed on the GitHub collaborative development site ( Users are encouraged to join in and help with any of several other projects currently in development or to enhance completed projects. Any help needed in using GitHub is available via the HelpDesk channel on Discord.

The South Wales area covered by this simulation incorporates mainly rural services between Cardiff and outlying areas, though some mainline services between England, Scotland and Swansea are also provided running via Newport, Cardiff and Bridgend. Merry-go-round coal services also make an appearance periodically running between the Tower Colliery at Aberdare and Aberthaw power station – both of which are now closed.

The timetable is quite intense, and it is recommended to have a copy of the included notes to hand to avoid misrouting trains – which is very easy to do!

The simulation is best run using version 2.5.1 of the program because many services change direction at Cardiff Central, and this version automatically removes redundant routes left over after a train has arrived and changed direction. With earlier versions these routes have to be removed manually.


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